Monday, January 25, 2010

S.C. Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer Compares Helping Poor to Feeding Stray Animals

"My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals, You know why? Because they breed. You're facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don't think too much further than that. And so what you've got to do is you've got to curtail that type of behavior. They don't know any better."

Many may find this surprising, or even outrageous. I, however, am not surprised, but I am outraged.

The one silver lining in our current political polarized climate, is that many in politics are starting to display their true colors. The true and deep hatred, and sense of entitlement are showing through. When the wealthy procreate, it's ALWAYS planned, and intentional? When the poor procreate, "They don't know any better"? I would like to ask Bauer what exactly "They" don't know? Maybe "They" don't know that they should not consider themselves worthy of procreation, because they are poor?

Bauer came from a wealthy family, and never had to struggle in is life.
This leads me to conclude that the wealthy really do believe that they are superior Americans! They feel they deserve more, and should, by all means, be given a stronger voice in deciding the direction of government, and OUR nation.

Why would a republican oppose abortion if they believe the poor breed like stray animals?
Bauer is a Republican, the party that wants to completely outlaw all forms of abortion. How can one proclaim that poor children are like stray animals, and that feeding them "results" in them "breading", yet wish to outlaw abortion?

How did we end up here?
We are slowing moving towards a 'Let Them Eat Cake" society, and the slow demise of the very vision of our founding fathers. What ever happened to "Bring us your tired, your weary, your poor"? What would our country be like if more like Bauer were in a position of authority in our government?

Full story and details

Saturday, January 23, 2010

US Government Listed On Ebay, Forgien Bidders Welcome!

Any corporation can now spend as much as they wish on political advertising, even if that corporation is foreign owned. As crazy as this sounds, conservatives on the right think it's a good thing.

Here are the details of how the supreme court justices voted:

Sonia Sotomayor: Nominated by Obama 2009 (D)Against
Stephen G. Breyer: Nominated by Clinton 1994 (D)Against
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Nominated by Clinton 1993 (D)Against
John Paul Stevens: Nominated by Ford 1975 (R) Against
John G Roberts Jr: Nominated by G.W. Bush 2005 (R) For
Samuel A. Alito, Jr.: Nominated by G.W. Bush 2006 (R) For
Clarence Thomas: Nominated by H.W. Bush 1991 (R) For
Anthony M. Kennedy: Nominated by Regan 1988 (R) For
Antonin Scalia: Nominated by Regan 1986 (R) For

John Paul Stevens, the only republican to vote against this travesty, even wrote a 90 page brief on how this would hurt our country. He predicted that the ruling would "cripple the ability of ordinary citizens, Congress and the states to adopt even limited measures to protect against corporate domination of the electoral process."

How could the only republican justice not appointed by the Bush twins, or Regan have such a different perspective? Or, maybe that's it, a reflection of those very administrations.

What's the big deal?
In simple terms, if a candidate fails to support legislation in favor of big business, those very corporations can now legally spend limitless amounts of money on political advertising opposing that candidate, and supporting his rival.

Imagine a less popular candidate, with policy the majority of Americans find unfavorable. That candidate could simply cater to the wealthiest corporations for limitless funding, advertising, and marketing to win office, even though the "Will of the people" has little chance of being served.

This has the potential of creating a "Ruling Class" composed of the wealthy, while destroying the vision of this country's founding fathers. The very concept "Of The People, By The People, For The People" is completely disassembled, and abolished.

Even worst, this ruling gives a deafening political voice to the wealthy citizens of foreign countries. ANY organization can open the flood gates of cash by simply incorporating in the US. America will not just be controlled by the wealthy American citizens, but the wealthiest of the world.

We can, in our life time, witness the end of American democracy, and the end of the greatest nation the world has even known.