Saturday, February 13, 2010


If you watch Fox news, you may have undoubtedly seen their news coverage on the record breaking snow fall for 2010. For some unknown reason, Fox news decided to use this recent snow fall to poke jabs at Al Gore, and the whole concept of global warming (see video above) with complete disregard to anything that resembles fact or even sound reasoning.

Let's look at some basic grade school science and common sense knowledge.

Fox assertion:
The volume of snow fall indicates that the country is getting colder, and not getting warmer.

Common sense Fact:
Snow fall volume has nothing to do with temperature, rather is has to do with the amount of moister in the atmosphere. Warm air holds more moister, and when that warm air is cooled, it dumps the moister in the form of rain or snow. One could deduct that the winter temperature has nothing to do with that amount of snowfall, and only indicates that the temperature is at or below freezing. In simplier terms, if the tempature drops a few degrees while snowing, the amount of snow fall will not change.

Fox assertion:
Global Warming must be a hoax.

Common Sense Fact:
There is no scientific consensus that debates whether or not global warming exist. The debate is whether or not "Man Made" global warm exist. Even those who wish to debunk "Man Made" global warming, do not dispute that global temperature changes occur.
Man Made global warming skeptics site data regarding ocean temperature, upper atmosphere temperature, and solar flare activity from the last naturally occurring global warming, as valid arguments against "Man Made" global warming. They do not, however, argue whether global warming exist. Only the cause is debated.

It's become more then obvious that Fox News has decided to take extreme liberties, with no concern for the consequence of their action. For a major "News" network to resort to irresponsible, and inaccurate cometary is deplorable, and simply unacceptable.

The very fact that skeptics of "Man Made" global warming have remained silent regarding this commentary, even though it goes against their very own belief, speaks volumes on where they really stand on this issue.

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